Friday, April 23, 2010

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are better known for their use during World War I and World War II. These maps can be used to persuade a population in one way or another.


Cadastral Map

A Cadastral maps is a map which provides detailed information about real property within a specific area. More specifically, these maps show landownership, survey lines, parcel numbers, and other information useful when dividing land.

Mental Map

A mental map refers to a person's personal point-of-view. Therefore, a mental map is an individual's own internal map of their known world.


Star Plot

A star plot is a method of displaying multivariate data. Each star represents a single observation. They are used to examine the relative values for a single data point and to locate similar or dissimilar points. This plot is an automobile analysis (1979), and it shows similarities and differences between car features, like gas milage and trunk space.


Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix lists the variable names down the first column and across the first row. The diagonal of a correlation matrix (the numbers that go from the upper left to the lower right) always consist of ones. That is because these are the correlations between each variable and itself (and a variable is always perfectly correlated with itself).


Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores which show the similarities between two data points. The more discolored the data is, the greater the difference is between the two data points.


Stem & Leaf Plot

A stem & leaf plot is a device for presenting quantitive data in a graphical format. A basic stem plot contains two columns separated by a vertical line. The left column contains the stems and the right column contains the leaves. This stem & leaf plot shows the number of students enrolled in dance class in the past twelve years.